Before we begin, there must be some harsh truths faced. Yes, Christmas is over. Yes, the January diets have begun and no, you probably shouldn’t have had that 4th helping at Christmas dinner, but did you have fun? Yes? Excellent, because so did we and we’re looking forward to helping you get into the 2017 swing of things.
With 2016 disappearing into the rear view mirror we do still remember that we promised you an exciting new announcement at the start of 2017. Like Gary Barlow & Take That before us, McGinley CEP is ‘going solo’ and becoming its very own business, allowing us to expand, grow and offer you even greater opportunities!
We will remain attached to the McGinley Group via our superbly run back office and management team, meaning that on the face of it, nothing will change, but this split promises to make 2017 our best year yet.
Even though it’s all over we truly hope you had a fantastic 2016, a wonderful Christmas break and that you’re looking forward to all the successes we’re planning for this year. 2016 may have left the building, but 2017 has just arrived in style…